KickParty provides a place for planning, crowdfunding, and payment collection



Plan any event - from a bachelor party on a private boat to bringing your favorite band to town.

Create by using the event maker to set-up your event

Add key information such as date, time, and location

Set your Kick-Point!

(This is the cost/number of guests/ or date at which your event gets the go-ahead)

Invite people privately or open your event to the public to have the most epic party of the century.



Make private and invite your attendees, or make public and let others join the party

The event page is a great way to keep attendee communication in one place

Share with your friends on social media to get them to join in



Crowdfund an event with friends or the community, or sell tickets to make your event a reality

Itemize the costs for your event to figure out how much each attendee has to pay

Once you've reached your Kick-Point collect payment from those attending

Payment will only be taken from attendees once the Kick-Point is reached

KickParty provides a place for planning, crowdfunding, and payment collection



Plan any event - from a bachelor party on a private boat to bringing your favorite band to town.

Create by using the event maker to set-up your event

Add key information such as date, time, and location

Set your Kick-Point!

(This is the cost/number of guests/ or date at which your event gets the go-ahead)



Invite people privately or open your event to the public to have the most epic party of the century.

Make private and invite your attendees, or make public and let others join the party

The event page is a great way to keep attendee communication in one place

Share with your friends on social media to get them to join in



Crowdfund an event with friends or the community, or sell tickets to make your event a reality

Itemize the costs for your event to figure out how much each attendee has to pay

Once you've reached your Kick-Point collect payment from those attending

Payment will only be taken from attendees once the Kick-Point is reached